One of the pillars of the Executive Summit Series (ESS) will be the activation of our strategy and plans through an intelligent communications platform.
We have invited Ed Bacco, the former head of security of Amazon, and currently the CSO of the Enterprise Security Risk Group of ASG to be the fiduciary of our ESS community.
Jeff Stanek, President of the newly branded LenelS2 merger, Tim Palmquist, Vice President of the Americas for Milestone, and Jim Hoffpauir, President of Zenitel North America, will provide us the executive blue print, starting with their collaborative effort in creating a “Intelligent Communication Platform” that would provide a seamless experience between access control, video surveillance and intelligent audio. The goal is a 360-degree view of situational awareness leading to near real-time actionable response.
Claude Yusti, Partner, Public Sector Watson AI and Data Platform, IBM Global Business Services will provide us the insights and context of the future as it unfolds with and through existing technologies.
It will a highly interactive panel, designed to set the stage for our future but also to tease out how we might account for the hidden costs associated with our programs and, by exposing them, begin to address one of our biggest constraints; budget and workforce optimization.